
Buying before DJI ronin

DJI ronin sc DJI Ronin-SC Gimbal Stabilizer Pro Combo Kit SKU   DJI Ronin-SC Gimbal Stabilizer Pro Combo Kit Product Highlights -       Three-Axis Motorized Gimbal Stabilizer -       Designed for Mirrorless Cameras -       Extended Grip Mini Tripod -       Quick Release Plate with 1/4"-20 Screw Subscribe Channel  Parker Walbeck The  DJI Ronin-SC Gimbal Stabilizer  brings many improvements over its predecessor, the Ronin-S, with this smaller and lighter stabilized, three-axis single-handle gimbal, designed for small mirrorless cameras under 4.4 lb. Though the Ronin-SC is smaller, it packs an abundance of features, design enhancements, and technology inside its compact form. The gimbal features stabilization, pan, tilt, and roll control, as well as 360° continuous panning to create steady 3D/360° motion shots. On its own, the gimbal weighs only 2.4 lb, so it is ultra-portable and makes it easier to hold the gimbal with a mounted camera for l
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